Maximize Your Kia's Fuel Economy this Winter

Maximize Your Kia's Fuel Economy this Winter

Winter can be a difficult time of year when it comes to fuel economy. Cold weather and snow mean more strain on your engine, and that means you’re going to be spending a lot more at the pump. But don't worry—there are ways to maximize the fuel economy of your Kia this winter. Let’s look at a few simple tips for getting the most out of your vehicle in cold weather.

Check Your Tire Pressure

Your tire pressure drops as temperatures drop, so make sure that you check your tires every month and add air when necessary. Underinflated tires cause increased drag on the road and require more power from your engine to maintain speed, resulting in lower fuel economy. Be sure to check your owner’s manual for the recommended PSI (pounds per square inch) for your vehicle and add air accordingly!

Don't Idle

It may be tempting to leave your car running while you warm up inside or wait for someone else, but idling is actually bad for both the environment and your wallet. Idling uses significantly more gas than turning off the engine when parked, so turn it off if you don’t plan on driving immediately after starting it up. This will also help keep excess wear-and-tear off of your engine during cold weather starts!

Keep Up with Maintenance

This one should go without saying—regular maintenance is essential for keeping high fuel efficiency all year round. Change oil regularly according to what's listed in your owner’s manual, replace filters, when necessary, clean out clogged air intakes, and check hoses and belts frequently. Keeping your vehicle in top condition helps minimize damage to the engine components and guarantees an optimal performance experience!

By following these simple tips, you can maximize the fuel economy of your Kia this winter! Regularly checking tire pressure will ensure proper grip on icy roads while avoiding idling will help save money at the pump. Finally, don't forget about regular maintenance; keeping up with scheduled servicing is essential for preventing costly repairs down the line! By following these tips, you'll get optimal performance from your Kia all year round! Contact us today if you have any questions about how to keep your Kia running smoothly this season.